Monday, May 20, 2013

One Year Later...

Okay.  It's actually been 13 months.  But I'm slow at posting my thoughts.

April 20th, 2013 I graduated from Brigham Young University with my Bachelor's degree in public health.  It feels like it could have been yesterday.  Time FLEW this past year.  But as I look back, I realize a lot has changed too.  I've made new friends, been new places and had a lot of new experiences.

I think the weirdest part was that there weren't semesters to break up my routine.  Every week is basically the same schedule.  It's nice, and I have plenty of opportunities to do fun and different things, but it makes time fly by so much faster.  There's nothing with which to measure it.

I wonder if this is why time seems to go faster and faster as people get older.  There's less and less deviation from the schedule.  Someone once told me that after you graduate, it's important to make every year special and different.  So you can look back and say, "2013, that's the year I...."
I think it's really good advice.
Looking back on this last year, it's been a whirlwind of events, emotions and people. I wonder what this year will bring???


  1. well, let's be real. 2013 brought me :) Hahah just kidding, child, THIS YEAR IS GOING TO BE MAGICAL FOR YOU, I CAN FEEL IT!!!

  2. I assumed that the MOST IMPORTANT thing of 2013 (aka, you) would just be assumed and redundant to write about...
